Лаборант химического анализа
Khamzin Elkhan Halitovich 09/27/1993 Russia, Samara region town of Otradny
Nationality: Tatar
Marital status: Not married
Accommodation: Samara area, Otradny town, Pionerskay street 30-17 (registration at the moment)
Phone: 8 (926) 462-80-93
E-mail: Rezerford9327@mail.ru
Experience work: 2 years 4 months October 2015 - January 2018 2 years 4 months Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) Moscow region, www.jinr.ru/
Position- laboratory assistant
Postgraduate Studies: Dubna International University of Nature, Society and Man, Dubna Natural and Engineering Sciences, Physical Chemistry 2017-2021
THEME DR: "Molecular dynamics modeling of orientation effects and protein adsorption on polymer surfaces"
Graduate: Dubna International University of Nature, Society and Man, Dubna Faculty of Natural and Engineering Sciences, Nanotechnologies and New Materials 2015-2017 WRC Subject: "Structure of thin films of silver, titanium and silicon dioxide on the surface of metallized track membranes" Reg. number 14417
Undergraduate: Samara State University, Samara. Faculty of Physics, Radio physics and semiconductor micro, nanoelectronics 2011 - 2015 TEMA WRC: "Properties of systems of porous silicon with REE ions" Reg. number 1961 additional education: Samara State University, Samara
Entrepreneurship and management in the field of high technologies 2012-2015
THEME WRC: "Creating a gemological center for the diagnosis of precious stones"
Reg. number 1258
Advanced training courses: Certificate "Fundamentals of Intellectual Property for Engineers" 2017 MISiS
Tests, examinations: Requirements of knowledge of labor protection in work with chemicals 2015 JINR Center for Nuclear Physics FLNR
Work skills
:: Modeling proteins: albumin, lysozyme, lipid membranes (POPS); DNA, Polymer: nitrocellulose, polyethylene terephthalate; Inorganic: fullerene, Silicone.
:: Data analysis of spectroscopy of inorganic and organic materials (XPS, IR, Raman spectroscopy, UV-Vis)
:: Work with spectrometers, UV-ViS, IR, Raman spectroscopy.
:: Working with microscopy (Neophotot-21 metallographic microscope, Hitachi TM 3000 raster electron microscope, medical binocular microscopes),
:: Work with spraying installations: ВУП-4, .
:: Work with: track membranes based on polyethylene terephthalate, silicon wafers. Preparation of protein solutions, organic dyes.
1) A.S. Doroshkevich ; A.A. Nabiev; A.V. Shylo; A. Pawlukojć; V.S. Doroshkevich; V.A. Glazunova; T.Yu. Zelenyak; N.V. Doroshkevich; Kh.R. Rahmonov; E.Kh. Khamzin; D.D. Nematov; A.S. Burhonzoda; M.A. Khusenov; Kh.T. Kholmurodov; S. Majumder; M. Balasoiu; A. Madadzada; V.I. Bodnarchuk Frequency modulation of the Raman spectrum attheinterface DNA - ZrO2 nanoparticles// Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. 2019. DOI: 10.21608/EJCHEM.2019.12898.1806
2) Kholmirzo Kholmurodov, etc. Elkhan Hamzin, Tomoyuki Yamamoto Molecular Dynamics Simulations of The Effect of Bond Rigidness and Heating on the Structural Properties // Computer Design for New Drugs and Materials (Book), (2017), ISBN: 978-1-53612-082-0, Pages 231
3) E. Khamzin, O. Kristavchuk, А. Rossouw, A. Nechaev, V. Semina, V. Altynov, B. Gorberg, P. Apel. Study on Magnetron Sputtering Titanium and Titanium Dioxide Thin Films on the Surface of Track-Etched Membranes NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS ISMANAM 2017, SAN SEBASTIÁN,SPAIN.
4) Эльхан Х. Хамзин, Холмирзо Т. Холмуродов, МОЛЕКУЛЯРНО-ДИНАМИЧЕСКОЕМОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕЭФФЕКТОВ ОРИЕНТАЦИИИАДСОРБЦИИЛИЗОЦИМАНАПОВЕРХНОСТИПОЛИЭТИЛЕНТЕРЕФТАЛАТНЫХПЛЁНКАХ Сборник трудов школы-конференции молодых учёных с международным участием . - М.: ГБУГНЦ ФМБЦ им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России,2018. - 158 с. ISBN 978-5-905926-41-9
5) Н.Ю.Кирсанов[1] , Н.В.Латухина[1] , М.В.Степихова[2] , Э.Х. Хамзин[1] ВЛИЯНИЕ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ПРОЦЕССА НА СВОЙСТВА ЛЮМИНЕСЦЕНТНЫХ СТРУКТУР НА БАЗЕ ПОРИСТОГО КРЕМНИЯ, ДОПИРОВАННОГО ЭРБИЕМ XIV Всероссийский молодежный Самарский конкурс - конференция научных работ по оптике и лазерной физике Сборник трудов конференции 2016 г
* Lomonosov readings - 2018 Russian Federation, Moscow.
* Ilyn Readings 2017 Russian Federation, Moscow.
* All-Russian Scientific Practical Conference Nature, Society, Man 2017 Russian Federation, Dubna.
Russian: native
English: basic (A2-B1 (in the process of improving); (Work experience with colleagues from South Africa.)
Deutsch: basic
Programming: python - basic degree
Scientific software: MD (AMBER, GROMACS, NAMD, DL_POLY), Quantum chemistry (Gaussian, MOPAC), VMD, Originpro, wolphram mathematica, mathcad, comsol multiphysics.
Platforms: OS Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora)
26 октября, 2016
60 лет (10 января 1964)
17 января, 2017
35 лет (23 апреля 1989)
17 января, 2017
56 лет (17 июля 1968)